“Please rate each of these crayon colors from 1-5, with 1 being poor and 5 being excellent in each of the categories listed. A blank is considered no answer.
a. Carnation Pink
b. Cerulean
c. Dandelion
d. Forest Green
e. Goldenrod
“Please rate each of these crayon colors from 1-5, with 1 being poor and 5 being excellent in each of the categories listed. A blank is considered no answer.
a. Carnation Pink
b. Cerulean
c. Dandelion
d. Forest Green
e. Goldenrod
“Please select the BEST 4 Colors (in your opinion) of the colors listed in Question 5 by checking 4 boxes only.
You’ve chosen your top 4 colors based on your opinion. Now, please arrange those colors by ranking them from 1 to 4 in order of your favorites.
Ranking Option 1
Ranking Option 2
Ranking Option 3
Ranking Option 4